Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Working with Zone Maps in Netezza

Before going to zone maps first let’s understand extent.  An extent is smallest unit of storage on the disk. In fact it is smallest disk allocation on storage to store the data. Netezza would maintain the maximum and minimum value of the column that is stored in an extent (each extent is of 3MB in size)

Read in more details: Netezza Zone Maps

 Zone map in Netezza is an internal mapping structure to the extent that takes advantage of internal ordering of the data.  Zone maps are automatically generated internal table structures that the Netezza system uses to improve the response time of SQL queries when queries data consists of large grouped or nearly ordered date, timestamp, byteint, smallint, integer, and bigint data types. Netezza does not create zone maps for numeric types that are larger than 8 bytes.

Zone maps transparently reduce disk scan operations by eliminating the unreferenced data. A zone map contains MIN and MAX of the data in each extent.  Whenever SQL query is issued with where clause, the Netezza system first scans the created zone maps to find the addresses of minimum and maximum extents that contains the column values. Then Netezza scans the column values in sequential order, results are displayed once the matches found. 

Netezza creates zone maps in below scenarios

·         Generate statistics command
·         Data is loaded using nzload command
·       Data is inserted or updated to tables -- As new rows are inserted into the table or updated, entries in the zone map are updated for the new ranges.
·         When groom operation performed to remove deleted records

Netezza does not create zone maps for very small table which is < 10 MB (default size). Zone Maps will give excellent results if table is ordered most restricting (i.e. column used in WHERE clause). This would reduce the I/O operations since all the rows would be grouped in the same or nearby extents and rest of extent need not be scanned.

To verify all the columns on which Netezza can create zone maps, use nz_zonemap from the sql toolkit. If you don’t have that installed, get it done ASAP as it has lot of useful syntax and script, those will make your life much easier.

Query performance and data slice issues

If the table size on data slice exceeds 192 GB, you could get error. Follow below mentioned steps to handle this situation.

·      Perform GROOM on the table to remove deleted records. This will free up some space on the data slice.
·      Redistribute the data on different column if existing column is causing high skew.
Create smaller table out of big table and create a view with a UNION ALL operation.  
·      Use truncate table statement over delete.

Even query planner wont shows if zone maps are used. Zone map debug tools are very helpful in getting information on zone maps. Use the set enable_zmap_debug=1 in nzsql script to find information on zone maps usage in SQL. This command will enable zone maps debug for only current session. It will be disable automatically once the sql execution is completed.

During poor query performance, always remember to verify if zone maps are disabled zone maps or un-ordered data or deleted records are still available in database (forgot to run groom command?). Generate statistics command will disable the zone maps. If by chance, the generate statistics command is interrupted, that will lead to disabled zone maps. Netezza will never scan the disable zone maps. One should re-generate the statistics on the column to re-enable zone maps.

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